Sunday, August 16, 2009

Nu 'Ouse

Everyday, when I pick the twins up from school, they will demand that they be taken back to the new house. "Nu 'Ouse" in their language though.

It has been over a month and they still refer to it as the new house.

What do they like about the new house?

The trains go by every 5 minutes, 2 if it is peak hour. Evan has learnt the sound of the train and will announce that a train has just gone by. If it is closely followed by another, he will chime " 'nother train".

The lift. In their words, "lift go up, lift go down". Something they learnt from watching copious amounts of Hi-5.

What do they miss about Grandma's house?

Being able to walk out the kitchen door and walk in the side french doors. Having the car porch and the back garden as their playground.

Watering the plants.

Plucking the leaves off the Oregano plant and sniffing it.

What can't they do at the new house that they could at Grandma's?

Use both Grandpa and our car as their playground. Highbeaming the wall, switching on the indicators and wipers. Preparing for a loud explosion of noise when the car eventually comes on because they've fiddled with the stereo's volume control.

What can't they do at Grandma's that they can at the new house?

Go to 3 different playgrounds, one with slides, another up on a hill with swings and well, the third is an exercise area but works as a playground too.

(I don't know who the little girl is standing beside Baby J but she stood in rapt admiration as Baby J jumped off the little steps repeatedly)

What is the same either side?

Their Ikea high chairs. It is our only means of imprisoning them while they eat. Although the high chairs in the new house are coloured.

What is different?

Sleeping without air-conditioning and a ceiling fan that goes round and round all night. I'm certain they're trying to figure out how to add it into their "Wheels of the Bus" song. At Grandma's, air-conditioning is a must because it is ridiculously still and hot there.

How is it different for Mommy and Daddy?

They eat dinner after 9pm every night, after the twins are asleep. They eat dinner in front of the television, reminiscent of college days. They're more tired but Mommy's got a walk-in wardrobe and empty space still in there and Daddy's got a whole home theatre system set up to his specific requirements. Mommy hasn't learnt to operate all the gadgets yet and doesn't really intend to learn.

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