There's been a bug going round the house.
But it's the good sort of bug. It's a running bug.
Packrat runs a great deal. He runs to work out. He runs to clock steps. He runs to hatch Pokemon eggs.
And there is some truth about modeling behaviour because now JED want to run. Especially Evan.
He may not be as fit. But he makes up in terms of doggedness. So slowly but surely, he's running.
It's as good a time as any to pick up running. After all, the twins have to run 1.6 km for school as part of their physical fitness test.
So they've been going out at all hours. I came home once in the middle of the afternoon to a relatively quiet house. When asked, both Jordan and Muffin said that Papa and Kor Kor went out for a 'run/walk' even though it looked sweltering out.
Packrat makes it fun for Evan. He lets Evan hold his phone and walk his Pokemon eggs, lets him catch whatever Pokemon pop up. They talk about how to run more efficiently and Packrat sets him small goals that make running much less daunting i.e. Run till the next traffic light. Run 4 lamp posts down. Run to the next bus stop. And the next thing Evan knows, he's completed 2 km without looking his lungs actually exploding.
Occasionally, the other two and I join in and we sometimes run to the grandparents' for dinner. But it's been pretty much a father-son activity and I'm happy to keep it that way.
I survived it after running every other day for the last two weeks but looked like crap after that. I think I wanted to vomit at some point. But that would have been embarrassing. Packrat, on the other hand, looked a whole lot more chipper than I did and he talked about bringing Evan next year for the shorter run.
I think he's found his new running partner. I'm okay with that. I think it's also for the best.
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