Monday, May 07, 2007

Drink water and hold your breath

When I get hiccups, I drink a lot of water and usually it solves the problem quite quickly. On occasion, I have a bad case of hiccups that cause me to hiccup for so long, me and my tummy muscles get exhausted from it.

I've recently discovered the offspring hiccup as well. It's funny because the belly goes through this series of regularly spaced vibrations. The difference between that and movement is movement usually stops after a twitch or two. This can go on for a whole minute. It makes Packrat and I giggle a whole lot. At first, Packrat was puzzled that the offspring could actually hiccup. My explanation was that, suspended in fluid all the time, obviously, hiccups were going to occur at some point.

Unfortunately, I can't tell the offspring to drink water to resolve the hiccup problem. I just end up in strange contorted positions as my body tries to compensate and find a comfortable position as the offspring twitch, kick and hiccup through the day.

I must however add, I don't think the offspring was all that big a fan of Spiderman 3. Throughout the entire movie, there was a great amount of protest. How did I know it was protest? It wasn't fluid and languid movement, the movement was sharp, jabs all over the place. Perhaps it also had to do with the fact that I was sitting still for 3 hours.

Now who said babies were born tabula rasa. The offspring, even at this point has quite a personailty already and I swear, it's got nothing to do with what I say to the belly.

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