Thursday, April 26, 2007


Packrat's been sick the last few days. He's had a dry cough and a little bit of the sniffles. I warned him rather unsympathetically that he was not to get me ill. Unfortunately, the warning did not work. I woke up this morning with a painful throat and have been drowsy the whole day. And progressively, through the day, my nose has become invisibly blocked. I say "invisibly" because it feels blocked, I feel sniffly but no matter how hard I try to blow my nose, nothing comes out.

All this would be fine if I could take these pretty pink Panaflu tablets my brother gave Packrat. But I can't. Because we don't know if it's safe for the offspring. In my brother's words, "we can't prescribe it because we don't know if it's safe. We don't know if it's dangerous either though." So there, can't win. Don't want to feel like I got hit by a cement truck but don't want to take the risk of anything harming the offspring.

So where does it leave me? Sniffly, congested, filled with water because that's all I can do- keep myself hydrated and hopefully "flush out" all the germies. The offspring know what is going on today, I think. There's generally less activity. I still feel the movement but it isn't the "haha, let's give mommy a shock and poke her in the ribs!" type of movement. It's more the comforting "I'm still here and I'm ok" type of movement which is nice because I don't want to have to worry that my being sick will affect the offspring.

Hopefully the water helps. Generally, the pregnancy has been good because I only got sick once before, at 5 1/2 weeks and it was like that and went away rather inconspicuously. So I'm hoping this one will too.

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  1. Hey! I hope you get well soon! I can't imagine being sick but not able to take medicine. You are a good mommy! :)

  2. Give your gynae a ring/visit and ask her to recommend pregnancy-safe medicine.
    I was one of those kiasi/worry wart type when pregnant, so I took lotsa Pi Pa Gao when I had sore throat, cough, or just feeling heaty.
    That reminds me... time for me to have a scoop of that thing now. Me sick too.
    God bless your pregnancy!

  3. hey babe!

    hope you (and Packrat) get well soon! i know i hate being all sniffly - must be even more uncomfortable for you. take care of yourself, and hopefully i'll see you soon? (one of these days after work maybe?)


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