Saturday, April 07, 2007

Hot Milk!

I was having a conversation with Deb about dearth of decent looking maternity bras in Singapore. I was also expounding the joys of discovering the Bonds line of maternity bras and found a site for them. On the site, under Brands, was this brand.

Yes, it's still the lack of decent looking maternity bras but it's totally swung to the other extreme. To, slutty maternity lingerie.

Say it with me- YUCK!

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  1. Nice!!! Hahaha... at least men dun have the excuse to be cheating when their wives are pregnant from now on... hahaha

  2. Because ... they had an excuse in the first place?

  3. Confucius say, man who needs lingerie to keep from straying really not man who should have children.
