Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Vacation, Schmacation

Packrat's Facebook status says it all..."Packrat is all virused out".

Yup, that sums it up. The twins are better but not completely well. Jordan's spent the night gagging and wanting to throw up. We suspect there's much phlegm in her belly that is making her feel unwell because it's the same thing making me feel unwell.

Having nursed two children and a husband back to relative health, I am exhausted I cannot think. I feel unfulfilled and dull, lifeless and blah. I think I'm burnt out from cleaning up countless puddles of puke and mediating tantrums about everything and nothing. I have little energy to be annoyed with the twins when they act up. I just deal with what I can and ignore the rest.

Someone suggested I should go on a vacation to recover from all this. Sure. When? How? With what money? I picked up $50 the other day on the ground and was thrilled because it meant half a week's groceries. So with what money am I going to plan a vacation with? Monopoly money and perhaps stay on Mayfair if I don't get thrown into jail first.

Thankfully we've moved into our own digs. So I can be existentially angsty without having to put up any sort of front for my in laws. However, I suspect that may be part of the reason why my children act up so much. New environment. Let's see how much we can get away with here. For the first time since I've become a mother, I've contemplated the cane. Obviously I haven't used it. On principle, I am against it because I never got canned. Packrat has no such delusions. Thankfully for my children, I'm the one dealing with the tantrums and not him. But that means also that I've hit the brick wall and really need some sort of break which doesn't require more than sitting at the spa and getting kneaded like play doh.

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