Friday, November 27, 2009

Sheer heaven

Going with my whole 'strict with food' philosophy, the twins haven't had much ice cream till recently. My fear has always been that their teeth would rot and they would become hyper and uncontrollable. One hyper and uncontrollable kid is bad enough, let alone two, two that are going through their terrible twos now.

But I also like seeing the sheer joy and wonder on their faces. And a little ice cream never harmed anyone. In fact, the doctors that I have seen for the twins, regarding their various little bouts of illnesses have told me that ice cream is a great way to mask foul tasting (read: Klaccid the antibiotic) medicine.

And since I pretty much have an ice cream craving now, I decided that they should join me in it.

A friend told me that her son had no idea how to eat ice cream from a cone. I didn't know how the twins would tackle a cone and I was curious to find out.

Evan just sucked at the cone, buried his mouth and nose into it, only succeeding in pushing the ice cream deeper into the cone.

Jordan first, asked for a spoon. When that stopped working, she tried to pour it out.

And then, this evening, in honour of Packrat's birthday next week, we had ice cream cake. Less rocket science required here. Just stick the finger into the cake and lick. This was rinsed and repeated MANY times, till the side of the cake looked like a block of Swiss cheese with holes all over the place.

The sheer glee and joy on their faces (although at some point, I think Evan got a little bit of brain freeze)!

And since today had been a day of treats; they'd gone to the zoo in the morning and Jordan watched Monster's Inc while having lunch, we decided they could have cake despite having already brushed their teeth and it being an hour after bed time.

Thankfully the sugar didn't send them into a tizzy and even though they fell asleep about an hour later than usual, it wasn't with all that much fuss. And if they are good tomorrow, they might just get a little bit more of heaven.


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