Friday, February 05, 2010


One of the things the books tell you about being in labour is that we are supposed to try and distract ourselves away from the pain. The initial pain anyway. When we're still at home and when there's no pain relief in sight. I suppose I could try panadol but I think I can find more interesting ways to distract myself from the pain.

What have I done since the contractions started and grew more intense?

  1. Get already born children ready for school at 6 in the morning.
  2. Have breakfast and read inane updates on Facebook.
  3. Put on Gilmore Girls and watch it for the gazillionth time.
  4. Rotate my hips as if I were a hula girl every time a contraction seized me.
  5. Deflect an elderly salesman who was trying to sell me a Rediffusion package. Rediffusion still exists?
  6. Decide that I needed to pluck my eyebrows and continue plucking them through a contraction.
  7. Get annoyed with my husband over IM because I want him home and he's still at work clearing stuff up and asking me inane questions.
  8. Decide that I should pack the Macbook into my hospital bag because I can't use the PC anymore eliciting a comment about me being 'spoilt' by my PC husband; causing Point 7 and making me want to throw something at him.
  9. Put up Dr Seuss wall decor for the twins to surprise them when they come home from school. Their favourite characters are the Barbaloots and the Lorax.
  10. Write this post, with lots of interruptions because I keep having to get up and walk around to mediate this dastardly contractions.
This time, I think it's for real and we're off to see the wizard now and hopefully will return with a baby.

Stay tuned.

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