Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Mr Men and Little Miss 7

Jordan stayed home from school yesterday. I know lots of moms would shoot me for saying this but when one has twins and I only have to look after and entertain one, everything seems easy and fun, even when said child has a blistering temperature and zero appetite.

Anyway, she stayed home from school and it was nice to hang out with her and be even more in tuned with the shenanigans that she gets herself up to.

The girl was a barrel of laughs from the moment she woke up, trying to teach me how to read, holding the books I'd brought to bed outward, the way the teachers do it in school and questioning me about the pictures on the page. Then she insisted on taking her bowl of cereal with her to the potty. Try as I might to wrest it away, she insisted. "Jordan eat, Jordan poo" she declared.

One cannot fault her being Little Miss Efficient here.

Trying to constructively entertain a 31 month old is a lot of effort. It's harder when I am full term and have a back ache from hell. It makes me want to kowtow to mothers who plan a slew of activities for their children and make all the activities from scratch.

Anyway, I found some craft work that I'd ordered sometime ago and decided that we were going to make an aquarium. Thankfully, Jordan likes craft and she has an intense ability to concentrate. It kept Little Miss Arty busy for a good half hour and when she was done, she carried her masterpiece everywhere she went, showing off the fact that her sea horses were hiding behind the seaweed.

I really like these little pockets of time I can spend with the children individually. Mommy needs to play mediator and disciplinarian a lot less and we have a lot more fun.

Now, what to do with Evan today?

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