Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Mensa membership required

I recently bought some clothes online and was most fascinated by a top that could apparently be worn 8 different ways. And like the song says, "brown paper packages tied up with string, these are a few of my favourite things..." I was quite thrilled when it finally arrived. I had specially ordered the top for CNY since it was a nice shade of bright pink.

But once I pulled it out of the bag, I was extremely befuddled. Greatly so. This was a top that came with an instruction manual.

The Mensa top

Immediately, I'd figured out 2 out of 8 ways. Ways 5 and 8, QED. But that was it. I couldn't figure out how to tie the damn thing for Ways 2,4 and 6. Packrat wasn't of much help either being distracted already by his usual WoW nonsense and after struggling with all the bits that needed to be tied for half an hour, I surrendered with a headache and felt extremely depressed! I mean who wouldn't, when you spent the better part of the month looking forward to the top arriving only to realise that one needed the IQ of a rocket scientist to actually put it on!


I brought it to work this morning and some of the women in my department swarmed round trying to figure it out. I felt like a mannequin with a bump but our collective effort got me figuring out Ways 2 and 4 but still not 6. One of my colleagues swore to think about it during a meeting she had to attend and would get back to me later. But seriously, I'd never thought I would be defeated by a maternity top!

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  1. the site says that it's a skirt as well. muahaha, you could probably make bloomers out of it too.
