Thursday, March 01, 2007

Here's looking at you kid!

We finally have a decent enough picture to put up. One that doesn't involve the scrunching of the face or crossing of the eyes to make out where the offspring is. This is the offspring, at 20 weeks, measuring 18.3 cm. We're still not sure if it's a boy or girl so we're going to keep ourselves and the world guessing.

But it is a pretty picture and we can see eyes, nose and lips.

The Offspring

So far, all is good but the offspring doth protest when I lie on my side and will show it but fidgeting around till I roll over. Demanding, even at such a young age. We've tried the headphones on the belly but that hasn't elicited any sort of response except for me feeling like a darn fool. What to try next...

More to come I guess. It's just getting exciting.

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  1. And there I was cracking my brain for three weeks about whether it was a boy or girl or both (meaning two babies!). Cheater.

  2. Crack your brain some more. It doesn't mean anything. :)

  3. hi Mdm,

    I'm one of Packrat's old students who'm you've met before, and altho I've said this to him, I just wanted to say again congrats.

    Thanks for being so matter-of-fact about the difficulties of concieving, and for being proof that it does happen, just takes a little longer. =) It gives the rest of us hope.

    Congrats again and remember, you *did* ask for it =)

