Tuesday, May 08, 2007

All Rights Revoked

When we weren't expecting yet, we thought naming our offspring would be a breeze. The problem was that once we knew that it was for real and we would be held fully responsible and more importantly, have to pay for therapy, for any psychological damage done to the offspring by virtue of the name conferred upon him or her by us, it became a really daunting task.

To make things worse, Packrat can take apart any name and make the corniest and crudest, schoolyard jokes out of it. So that ruled out a whole bunch of names. And then there were names that ruled themselves out. Like Beverly that meant by the beaver creek. Or Scott which meant from Scotland. Or Doreen which meant bitter. Or Nebuchadnezzer which was just impossible to spell.

So saying that it's been hard is an understatement. Especially with mothers like mine. Today I came up with a brain wave that totally annoyed Packrat. It tickled me so much more because it annoyed the heck out of him. I suggested that since John and Jane Doe were used to identify nameless people, I'm ignoring the fact that they're usually used to name unidentified corspses, we could possibly use the names John Doe Tan and Jane Doe Tan, turning the supposedly common ubiquitous surname into a middle name reminiscent of a female deer.

Of course because of my joke, I've been banned from suggesting any further names for the offspring. After all, if I stop work to take care of the offspring, Packrat is left to pay the bills and them therapy bills don't come cheap.

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