Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Moving at a glacial pace

It seems like in the last week or so, the size of the pregnancy has finally gotten to me. In the mornings, I wake up moon faced from the water retention. This goes away after a while but the weight everywhere else just stays on.

My fingers and feet have started swelling a bit more and my fingers are very stiff. Thank goodness I gave up playing the piano years ago. I don't think I could manage actually playing it now. Anyway, there's the swelling and also the general weight and its associated stresses. Apparently, the babies are putting weight the fastest at this point because they're just gaining fat to prepare for the journey into the world.

People have asked whether it's getting heavy. I don't think heavy's the right word because it's not like I'm straining or anything to heave my bump around. But I am aware of how it is putting strain on my joints. My knees ache when I go down stairs and I walk at a pace that a snail could very easily overtake. I guess, that's the heavy that people talk about? I don't know.

All I know is that it's harder to move around, to go shopping and to be out in general. Doctor's orders are to be horizontal for as much of the time as possible. But he knows my temperament enough to not insist on total bed rest. So I guess as long as I spend a sufficient amount of time resting and the rest just lumbering around slowly, it's ok.

But lumbering really is the right word now. And I was with the best friend just now and she just bought a pair of skinny pants. Her baby's about 18 months now and she's skinnier than she was before. As I watched her try on the pants, I couldn't fathom how I could go from my size now to where she is so once again, I mournfully declared after looking at myself "I'll never be thin again!"

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  1. You poor poor thing... my heart goes out to you... ah, and to think I'm considering #4... some days I think I'm mad.

    Oh well, look on the bright side... you're the kind that will probably go right back to exercising (given you seem like you were rather obsessed with it before the bubs) and so you'll probably lose it easy.

    Besides, with twins, you've probably got less than the 46 days your ticker says you have... so it's just a while more of life with just you and packrat... cherish it... life will never be the same again. You might even find yourself thinking fondly of the lumbering days before the bubs were capable of making their presence felt by more than just squirming and rock and rolling within. :)

  2. "Her baby's about 18 months now and she's skinnier than she was before." - ask her how she did it & let me know!!!

  3. Ru, She breastfed for 14 months and didn't have help with the baby for the first 7 months, so I guess there was plenty of burning of calories.

    By the way, you disappear until go where? :)
