Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Diaper test

Being new parents and not knowing what to expect and being fully susceptible to everyone's two cents worth, we decided to buy not one brand of diapers but a whole collection of brands and see which one the bubs would take to.

Of course, the parentals want us to use cloth nappies. So we've acceded to that as well and bought a ton of muslin cloths as well as some very pretty reusuable diapers that look like disposables but are washable and re-usable. Apparently, not as absorbent as disposables but a lot less messy than the original cloth nappies.

Even then, disposables are still needed. So, we bought Nepia (a brand not often found in the supermarkets but seems to have a cult following in Singapore, Pureen (found in the supermarkets and super cheap) and Drypers (because my niece uses them). And being the geeks that we are, we decided to see which one soaked up the most amount of "pee".

diaper test

The independent variables were types of diapers. The dependent variable was the amount of water it would absorb before it started leaking out through the gathers. The null hypothesis was that the most expensive diaper- Nepia would be able to absorb the most amount of "pee". Results however proved the null hypothesis to be false as it was Pureen that absorbed the most amount of "pee".

We're still not convinced since there isn't the pressure of the baby's butt on it but it is a rough gauge. To further prove our geek factor, we've even broken down cost per diaper for each brand. Here's what it looks like- for newborn diapers, give or take a little depending on which supermarket one shops at.

Petpet- $0.17
Pureen- $0.18
Drypers- $0.19
Nepia- $0.23
Mamy Poko- $0.32
Pampers- $0.45

This is excluding the home brand diapers and those that did not have newborn sizes on the webpages.

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  1. so far, i've used Bamboo (eco friendly organic stuff), Pampers and Huggies.

    Dont like Pampers becos there seems to be this gauze like thingy that makes it look very uncomfy. Huggies is OK and has a snug fit. Bamboo comes up tops cos it looks comfy and doesn't have all the harsh chemicals. But it also costs the most...

  2. Aiyoh, you guys are just so cute lah... talk about geek factor.

    OK, some things you have overlooked, that you cannot test are... stuff the consistency of newborn's poop... which differs depending on how much breastmilk and/or formular milk your babies take. The high power pressure with which the poop shoots out... and I assure you, this can be very high powered indeed. My son once shot his bright yellow poop a clear metre away... no kid... and a metre because it was stopped by a plastic covered quilt leaning against the wall.

    So it's not just absorbancy you are looking at, but how snug the garters are without causing imprints on their thighs.

    For us, with all 3, nothing worked like pampers for the first month or two. And trust me, we tried practically everything on the market because we encouraged people to give us diapers without specifying the brand. expensive, but if you want to wash a little less yellow stained poopy clothes, it's the best bet. everything else seemed to leak or were unable to contain the blowouts... my son once had yellow poop that went all the way up his back... because he was in a carseat when he decided to... umm, do it. and as a result, everything was stained a hideous yellow. And it's not mild yellow. It's bright stand out a mile yellow.

    have fun testing. with twins, you'll learn quickly enough. heh... and probably the hard way... called experience. haha.

  3. I'm a fan of Nepia. Nepia is great cos they deliever a box of 4 packs of diapers right to your doorstep without extra charges. $15 per pack.

    Pampers is probably the thinnest of the lot, and most absorbent.

    Mamy Poko is cute with its Winnie the Pooh prints on each diaper.

    Bumwear is good. Very environmentally friendly. Saves $$$ in the long run. I have a handful of them. Useful when I want my kiddo to feel the wetness when I was potty training her. But don't use at newborn stage with the messy meconium stuff. That tar-like poo is real gross and messy...and hard to wash off! Once u've tried Bumwear u wouldn't want to go back to the thin muslin nappies. Do get nappy liners too. Helps to catch the poo usually.

  4. Justpassingby,

    No, we didn't forget about the poo factor. There was just no way to test that and our geek quotient, even put together isn't all that high. :)

    For the month of June, Nepia diapers are $14/pack so if you need, buy now! :) Anyway, I hope the Bumwear thing works. How old was your kid when you started using them?

  5. Ookie, will order Nepia soon, thanks!

    For Bumwear, I discovered it a bit late for my firstborn. She wore it when she was nearly a year old I think. But I wasn't a regular user, cos troublesome lah, must wipe off the poo, rinse pee, etc.

    For my 2nd girl I bought more girly colours like rose pink, purple flowers, etc. She's also an occasional user...normally i use when i know the next diaper change/bath time is just an hour or 2 away, so I don't waste a disposable on her. Moreover, she's on semi-solids now, so easier to clean the poo (now firmer and less watery). Will use more often when I'm more err, free?

    You got a domestic helper now right? So should be easier to use more often...
    Tip: After the diaper is soiled or wet with pee, do a quick rinse with water and maybe some cheap baby soap, then hang dry, till you're ready to throw it into the washing machine to wash with the other clothes. I tried having some pail to soak the dirty diapers without rinsing first. It really, really stinks. Cannot man.
