Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Evan's preference

My four month old younger son has shown that somethings don't need to be taught. He's always been the more easy going one and this has helped us when we've had to soothe his occasionally testy sister. Because he's often the one not crying, he gets relegated to whoever Baby J doesn't want near her. This means there have been times where the maid is carrying him while I'm off trying to soothe his big sister. It also occasionally means he gets put in the cot or bouncer chair to self- entertain. He's become wise to it and has learnt that everytime's he left to his own devices, Jordan's in someone's arms.

So he's developed this very pitiful puppy dog look where he'll look up into your eyes and first, silently plead to be picked up, falling which, bawling that could rival his sister on any given day. Worse if I were carring his sister and walk out of the room with her. I've been told that causes a lingering look at the door with a down turned mouth and tears to follow.

I think even at this young age, his preference is to be the only child. He's not content being the baby of the family. He revels with joy the nights he sleeps with us because it's just him and Mommy and Daddy don't have to worry about pay attention to anything else but him. Unfortunately for us, his joy translates into wanting to play or chat at 3 in the morning when both parents are begging him to allow them to sleep. Often, he''ll fuss and deny his sleepiness right to the split second where sleeps takes hold of him mid protest.

Hopefully, he'll outgrow this and see that there's really nothing to be insecure about. He will always be the baby of the family, unless we are insane enough to attempt to have another one and risk another set of twins! Anyway, our simplest and most fervent wish for the both of them apart from the usual good health and good heart ones is that they will grow up enjoying one another's company.

And that they will love one another and look out for one another fiercely, even if it means Evan is part of the posse that stands guard with Daddy on the porch waiting for Jordan to come back from her date. That would make a great deal more sense than constantly bickering, competing and comparing and arguing about who Mommy and Daddy love more because although the grandparents seem to show a preference, we don't.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. haha... i love the last shot with the pair of them giving the same look.

    my mom would totally identify with you since now my brother and i are all grown up (though we arent twins), she'll always sigh and shake her head when we argue. then she'll repeat that line about how we are only two people and that siblings are really the only people you can count on since they're family. hahahahha....

    and despite being 4 years apart and yet still crazily obsessed about arguing and comparing who mom likes better, yea, the sibling looovveee is there. (not that either of us would ever admit it) hahaha...

  3. they've both grown since i last saw them! And they're both lovely and sweet!
