Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Play time in the Tan household.

As a friend put it last week when she saw the kids, they're no longer small and squirmy. True they're not. They've become real little people with interest and awareness in the world around them. They still haven't quite figured out that they are one of two yet but they are getting there. They eyeball one another very suspiciously when they're in the cot together and they get the hands and feet tangled with one another.

sharing fingers

Jordan has one arm wrapped round her chicken which I absolutely refuse to call Mr Cock and her other hand shoved into Evan's mouth. Evan doesn't seem to mind. All the more extremities to chomp on. They peacefully coexisted for about 5 minutes before they got bored and started bawling.

Jordan's attraction to Mr Rooster has to do with the orange plastic comb on his head that she likes to gnaw on and drool all over. As Freud would put it, they're in their oral phase now where everything is explored by being shoved into their mouths. Because of that, I've decided it is a worthwhile venture to spend some money on toys, especially since whatever toy I buy gets double the usage out of them. One of the things I bought was a teething ring that can be frozen.

Here's Evan patiently melting every single ice cube. What then happens is he often breaks into a delirious grin, his face being wet and his fingers and gums being icy cold. At the same time, he'll have a bit of a brain freeze look on his face. But it keeps him quiet for the duration of the ring staying frozen and anything that can do that isnot a bad idea.

Gumming the frozen teether

Both kids also seem to enjoy being bounced about and being held in a manner that allows them to mimic walking although some part of me buys into the whole, "if you put them on their feet too early, they'll grow up with bow legs" thing. This prompted my sister in law to give us her bouncing Tigger which my niece had outgrown. We realised at this point that even though two kids could gestate in the same uterus for 37 weeks and have mostly the same DNA, they react differently to the same thing. Jordan screamed blue murder when put in it but Evan laughed and cackled and flailed his arms and legs around, extremey pleased with the uninhabited freed limbs and the mobility it comes with.

I thought it was apt that he was wearing a Tigger onesie today and was plenty amused that he looked as if he was using Tigger as a parachute. I don't usually buy into the whole Pooh or Humphrey the elephant stuff because it's just more expensive than regular stuff but I must say, this jumper made almost everyone's day. He even looks like he's chillin' out for a bit and enjoying the fact that he gets to be photographed beside "Girl Bondi ". I keep thinking Keanu Reeves going "Whoooaaa...Duuudddee" Mayhaps I'm raising a surfer boy, .

Parachuting babyTigger boy with Girl Bondi

When Jordan was born, everyone remarked how thick and black her hair was. It's still thick and black. She is desperately in need of a hair trim being the sweaty girl that she is but Mommy is too chicken to wield a pair of scissors anywhere in her vicinity. A stop gap measure that we had fun with was to put hair clips in her hair. At least it kept her forehead from being slicked with sweaty hair and she looked quite the little impish pixie that she is.

J with hair clip

I'd known even before I had her that having girls meant I would have a lot of fun buying clothes and playing dress up with her as evidenced by the hair clip even though it wasn't me that bought the clip. Every time I sort out their clothes, my helper reminds me to buy more skirts for Jordan. I haven't really bought all that many clothes for them because I'm living on hand me downs (Having twins does make one much more careful and think twice about buying a $40 skirt for an infant that would outgrow it in a matter of months). Because of that, I have only 2 skirts for Jordan-- both from her cousin. Then I unearth a shopping voucher that is about to expire and so I head down to Marks and Spencer's and decide to splurge and buy Baby J a skirt. This is what I ended up with.

Playing dress up
I love the get up. It's very Anne Geddes. The problem is, the skirt is tiered so it's pretty heavy and slips onto her hips. It doesn't fall off only by grace of her diaper. I'm guessing the skirt's going to be kept till Chinese New Year. Hopefully then, she'll be able to wear it although one can't be sure. Especially now because she's decided she's on a milk and sleep strike. Try as you might, she refused to sleep for long periods today. She was also extremely reluctant to drink much milk. All she wanted to do was to talk 19 to a dozen in her "cat cawing at bird" voice. This inadvertently would wake Evan up and the two of them do their duet thing for the whole street to hear.

While all this is entertaining, their not sleeping much translates into a very exhausted mommy who walks around in a daze and is not able to find her car in the carpark among other things. I really need to sleep. Actually, they really need to sleep. And it's no use buying Baby Sleep guides because no one wants to carry out the routines. And it's irritating and frustrating but I'm too tired to fight it right now so I shall just enjoy the chatty nature of my children till I pass out.


  1. hi, ondine!

    i've been reading your blog for some time now, even before the twins were born. it's really nice to read about Jordan & Evan & to watch them grow. they are SO CUTE yet so different! :) hope you'll be able to find time to sleep... ;)

    may God bless you with added strength & wisdom to raise them.


  2. She's sooo cute. Love the skirt.

    I can't tell you the number of times I've walked into places like Mothercare, drooling over the 20 racks of cute girl clothes and then turning back to the 2 racks of boys' t-shirts and shorts.

    Hang in there ;)

  3. heyhey... just a tip... even if they outgrow those cutsie skirts and shorts too soon, hang on to them... because you'll be surprised how skinny their butts are as they grow and shed their diapers. My giant baby can still wear 18mth old bottoms (albeit short lah) because they allow for diaper space... haha.

    and oi, if you really want, can pass some of my girls' cutie pie clothes to you in future... when they outgrow them lah. too bad i just gave away all their baby clothes....

  4. i am so jealous. Buying girlie clothes is so much more fun!
