Friday, November 16, 2007

Why is banana milk sold?

Me: I think I'll start the kids on bananas.
Packrat: The whole thing??
Me: No, just a bit. Mashed
Packrat: Isn't it going to be too thick?
Me: You mix milk into it.
Packrat: Banana milk?
Me: Effectively. (after a pause) Yueck!
Packrat: That's why they sell banana milk in the supermarkets. Mothers like you whip up these things and feed it to babies and when they grow up and see it on the shelves, they wonder why they're so attracted to it.
Me: Gross. But true. Our taste buds are wired up to our olfactory memory stores.
Packrat: Smart alec.

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  1. Eh, don't OD on the bananas cos I read some article online that too much can cause constipation. Cooked carrots also.
    I think soft, ripe pears are good, easy food to feed babies...
    Just my 2 cents' worth. :PP
