Sunday, March 16, 2008


When we tell people we have twins, the comment is always "wow, then you have to buy 2 of everything". For most things, that's pretty much true. At the same time though, I'm pretty big
on the whole sharing thing. My mom told me about her friend who had twins, who made it a point to show the twins that everything they got was a halved version. So, even if they were getting a whole biscuit, one biscuit was broken into 2 in front of them and given to them and this was repeated for the 2nd biscuit rather than giving them 1 full biscuit each. We've pretty much practised that, we buy one toy and the 2 take turns using it. Even then, they're selfish enough to want everything for themselves, always trying to snatch what the other has. So, even if I lay the same thing out in front of the both of them, Jordan will reach over and get Evan's and vice versa. Packrat and I both think that whatever it may be, they'll grow up to be more giving then single children will because they've had to share from birth. Heck, they shared my uterus even though, that probably was why there was so much kicking toward the end. The problem, he says, will be when we decide to have No. 3 who will have undivided attention and toys and all. But we'll get to that bridge when I can get one full night of sleep.

Anyway, the two of them are at the stage where anything eaten by us is of interest to them. They stare riveted when I crunch on chips in front of them, mimic my mouth when I'm having dinner... so it was no surprise when I sat on the floor eating an apple, that they descended upon me. What was funny was when the both of them tried to eat the apple at the same time, tolerating one another's presence since there seemed enough for their small mouths to go around. Realise from the photos that in every photo, Evan's got a bit of the deer caught in the headlights look. He's become quite the camera whore. Everytime the camera's around, he'd look straight into it. And he knew the camera was around with the flash clicking off first so here we were trying to take a photo of him biting into the apple and there he was, biting into the apple, sensing the flash and turning around. At the end of it, we were convinced that he'd made the erroneous connection that him sinking his tiny teeth into the apple was what was causing the bright light to go off. So much so that he would pretend to bite the apple and whip his head round to catch the flash which explains the movement in the second photo.

Jordan, on the other hand was more interested in sinking her only 2 teeth into the apple and because that wasn't doing enough damage in her opinion, she had her fingers digging away at the apple as well, leading to very grubby and wet fingers as well as juice all over her face. To her credit, she ate a whole lot more than her brother because the little munching machine wasn't as distracted as he was by the camera. By the end, she was contented and you can see this from her slightly distended belly and the manic glee on her face.

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