Friday, May 09, 2008


After the twins' nap every afternoon, they have a spot of tea and play however they want to. I believe it's called unstructured play time at the play schools but when you call any particular period of time unstructured, it then becomes structured.

Anyway, they play. Essentially, everything becomes a toy to them. The mail gets devoured and furniture becomes part of their jungle gym. Most days, I'm at work so I don't get to see them up to their high jinks but in the last 2 weeks, I've been home a lot more and have been tickled silly by what they get themselves up to.

I've attested to their monkey nature before but now, there's an added dimension to it. The twins have
a) Discovered the ability of doing things under their own steam. Jordan can stand on her own and has taken wobbly drunken sailor steps of her own.
b) Discovered they can bend at their wrists and flick stuff. So, put the 2 of them in a tub filled with balls, it inadvertently becomes babies in the tub, balls all around the tub. No balls in the tub.
c) Discovered that they can breech the walls of the tub quite easily. Once there are no more balls to throw, there's no more point staying in the tub, so it's time to escape to the grass where all the balls are.
d) Discovered one another. I mean, I think they always knew one another existed I think but now they've discovered that they can be partners in crime as well as they are one another's play thing.

After looking at this latest lot of pictures, I was thinking, if my helpers and I had inordinate amounts of energy, patience and time in the day after they've gone to sleep to get on with what we need to do, we really didn't need to send them to playschool. I've been calling play schools up, finding out about programmes. And there is a certain amount of pride that they have when they rattle off about unstructured play time, water play, imagined play, outdoor play and tea times.

The kids do all that at home. And they have loads of fun. If only I could fill up on Beroca the way a car fills up on petrol or that I was the Duracell bunny that could go on and on and on.

Play in the ball pen. Till there are no more balls, at least.

Jungle gym or trying to be a gymnast on the parallel at least. And playing together, fighting for space and attention. Evan hasn't figured out that he's larger than Jordan. When he does, he will realise that Big sister or not, he can elbow her out of the way.

And they get to play with their buggies. They complement one another here. Jordan likes to be pushed around, like the little Baby Dowager that she is and Evan just likes pushing things, so it works fine. They're not both fighting to push the buggy or to sit on it. And when they're bored, they just swop over.

Water play- all that is needed is a big bath tub, some bubbles and some toys and we're good to go. The problem was getting them out after even when their fingers and toys were wrinkled like prunes.

I am a Lion, hear me roar. Or is it a Tiger. Or... Who cares? Roar. My son, into Method acting.

And also able to squelch up his face. He actually really really really likes his yogurt. I don't know why I managed to catch him looking like I was feeding him the most foul and vile of foods, which in his father's opinion, would be bittergourd and yam blended together.

So, like I say, if we had enough energy, I think they're getting all they need at home. And there really isn't a need to hothouse them. More on this another time. For now, I have two impatient munchkins waiting to be taken to Mama's where they can play, some more.

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