Monday, July 07, 2008

Fun at the park

The last time it was marking season, I got extremely angsty because I couldn't find time to spend with the twins. I got extremely angry and resentful. So I decided, despite the copious shitloads of marking that I had to plough through, I needed to take the morning off to spend with the twins. I desperately wanted to sleep in having been extremely exhausted from ill babies, exams, works...I feel breathless thinking about it. Anyway, bottom line is I wanted to sleep in. But I also wanted to take them to the park. And even if the weather didn't permit it, Baby J wasn't going to let Mommy sleep in. Thankfully, by the time she kicked me in the throat, the sun had already come up. And while pretending to sleep but watching her kick about, I decided I wanted to video her Monday morning ministrations. After that, there was no chance of me falling back to sleep again.

She's nattering a little bit but sort of knows I'm videoing her so coy is her game.

I think the kids are at an age now where they can actually get something out of going to the park and there is more to do than ride around in the pram. In fact, we decided not to bring their pram and just brave the heaving of the two babies around. Thankfully, they can walk some of the way although it's still best not to let them walk if the point is to get from A to B. Their walking involves far too much meandering and actually ends up in them going off in the wrong direction.

It was their first time on uneven terrain and wet grass so there was lots of tripping resulting in grass stains all over their clothes, their bibs and their faces. Apart from the shock of landing on his front, there was no crying but a whole lot of chuckling as they chased everything from dragonflies (God did good when he made those ones; they were metallic purple!), butterflies to birds. They played ball and even though we brought 2 of their own balls, they had to search out other people and take their ball.

There was also great experimentation that went on. Whether grass could be eaten, bread from the edge of the pond could be eaten and pebbles. There was also a moment of horror when after playing with the waterfall, Baby J thought it would be funny to lick her fingers. Funny for her. Not me. Water-borne diseases! Tummy ache at the very least! No! It's been 12 hours and nothing has happened yet. I will continue to pray that it won't.

As expected, we'd worn them out and both of them were put down for their morning nap without a whimper.

Everyday should be like that. Filled with little excursions where they can point at things and learn. I'm sure they learn at home but they had so much fun. Makes me feel bad that we can only do this when both Packrat and I are not at work and that, unfortunately, is not often enough.

Between doing things with them and doing my own work the rest of the time, I miss my husband and wish we had time to do our own thing to. Or to actually just sleep, uninterrupted from when it's dark till when the sun's high in the sky.

* I suspect Evan's had too much fun today because he's down for the night but keeps waking up screaming for no apparent reason.

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  1. hey, they've got bibs in most of the photos! :)

  2. No choice! The 2 of them have enough drool to flood a desert! With no bib, they soak through their tops in 10 minutes! Evan, however has learnt to yank off the velcro ones so I'm not sure how long more he's going to let us put them on him.
