Saturday, July 05, 2008

Thus far

I haven't had the time to blog because work's started in horrid earnestness and everything has been put on a back burner. Every little bit of time I have, I spend with the kids so I hardly come online unless I'm expressing and even then, a couple of days without the laptop (the power cable fried) has weaned me off needing the Internet. That's meant I hardly blog.

But I feel bad not blogging, especially about the twins since this is how they are going to remember their early years.

So, I'll do a snap shot blurb of the events of the last few weeks, since Bintan. I think that was the last time I blogged proper.

1. The twins started walking.
Before we left for Melbourne, they were wobbling their way around. I wouldn't have called it walking at that point. More like 'release and free fall'. And the both of us were selfishly thankful that they waited till we got back from Melbourne to actually show the world how they, at 11 months were able to waddle and sashay their diapered bums from one end of the room to the other and picking up everything in sight.

2. Self-centredness
Everyone's whose commented that having twins was such a great thing has also asked if they know how to play together. My answer is they sort of do, more so than a regular year old toddler but they still have the same possessiveness and haven't quite yet figured out that snatching is rude and is a punishable behaviour. Jordan is the more dominant of the 2 and has figured out that everything hers is hers and everything Evan's is hers and is hers to snatch. This has resulted in the great stamping of tiny feet, the balled up fists and the angry frustrated cry. It's also resulted in grunts that clearly spell out "Which part of MINE did you not understand? " and retaliation by biting. Evan. Bites Jordan. See below for further explanation.

3. They've turned one.

A day after I turned a year older, they turned a year older. And for year old tykes, they sure had a lot of parties. There were two birthday celebrations for them. One where the relatives were invited and it was in a Chinese restaurant to ensure the grandparents were pleased. Another one on the actual day because we couldn't let it go uncelebrated. Even though they were oblivious to the fact that it was their birthday, the two little attention whores (I mean this in the nicest way possible) were absolutely thrilled at so much attention being showered upon them. They chuckled, they laughed, they played with everyone nary a tear or wail in sight despite being well past nap time. So coinciding with their first birthday was the two shy awkward caterpillars morphing into extreme social butterflies.

4. Social Beings.

Jordan used to treat everyone new with unveiled suspicion. Nothing would illicit a smile from her if she were in an alien environment or surrounded by people whose faces never had to survive poking, pinching or slapping (her preferred means of showing affection). We're just back from Godmama's house where Evan passed out at his requisite bedtime of half 7 whereas she protested being locked in a bedroom upstairs when there was obviously so much happening downstairs. Faced with no choice and being closed to starvation (Aunty D and myself), we brought her back down to the party where she went round high-fiving people and stealing straws from people's cups, chuckling at her own success and lifting up near strangers' t-shirts to look for their belly buttons, a trick that I regrettedly taught her.

5. Evan is bigger, Jordan is stronger.
The boy decided at 10 months that he was a boy and he was a big boy at that and no longer needed Mommy to breastfeed him directly. At round about the same time, he went through this tremendous growth spurt and is now about 2 kg heavier than his older sister. So, size wise, he wins hands down. Occasionally, she wins too, by forcibly snatching something of her brother's. This usually illicits a pre-verbal battle and ends up with Even reaching for his sister's hand surreptitiously to give it a nice hearty chomp. However, even though the boy can fight his sister and has done it quite mercilessly, he's still constitutionally weaker than she is. My suspicion is that the fresh breast milk that Baby J downs, albeit insufficient, has created created a smaller but stronger little munchlet who takes longer to succumb whatever bug is flying around.

6. My son is a cam-whore.

Evan loves the camera. And the camera loves him. His reaction to the camera is almost Pavlovian. He can be anywhere in the room, or sometimes outside of the room but when he hears the word "SMILE" or the camera click, he will materialise in front of the lens with his repertoire of expressions. Zoolander could take a few lessons from my one year old. Last week, a photographer in church was taking photos of Baby J, who was wandering up and down the aisles during service. Evan was with us but when he heard the camera clicks, he scrambled past all our legs, pushed his sister to the side and gave the camera a huge grin.

I could go on, but I should stop or I'll never get this up. One last thing though. Here's a video of them and what they do to occupy themselves in the day. It also contains Evan chuckling and people revealing loudly and embarrasingly that Baby J's got a dirty diaper, is stinky and needs to be changed. She will be mortally embarrassed 18 years from now and I look forward to that day.

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  1. I see they have taken over the grandfather's room as their playroom!
