Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Finger painting goodness

Since we are on a week's vacation and the kids are old enough, we decided to explore some playgroups with them. We picked Playdays, up the road from us. Every time we went for ice cream at the Daily Scoop and walked by, I'd think about how nice a place it was for the twins. Packrat was particularly impressed with the 2 girls leading the group because they could sing. It was, in his words, like being in an episode of Hi-5- high energy loud singing. The twins were a bit unsure what to make of it seeing that it was their first exposure to any sort of organised social setting with other kids and adults and you couldn't just wander of on your own to do what you wanted although that didn't really stop them from doing that.

The best bit, in my opinion, was the finger painting bit. It was a day of new experiences for them because they got to stick their hands into trays of paint. Unfortunately, being 14 months and never seen paint before, Bad Mommy!, they weren't sure where to put it. Some of it got on to the paper but most of it on themselves, their clothes, Mommy, Mommy's clothes and Daddy too. Evan looked funny because his legs were just streaked in purple and green. Unfortunately, we have no photos of it since our hands were too mucked up to take out of phones and snap away.

The next best thing, was for me to recreate it at home. And just in time, my order of Crayola finger paints arrived. By this point, the two of them were pros. They knew they could sink their hands in, and their feet and knew that they could stomp all over the paper on the ground, but once again their canvas extended to the terracotta tiles and the walls in the back. Thank goodness their Ah Ma was away on vacation so it gave Aunty D time to scrub off all incriminating marks of the budding vandals.

Not fingers, whole hand painting.

I put my left foot in...

I take my right foot out...

I take my hand and smear it all about...

Dirty incriminating hands.

We did this before their morning bath and the water in the tub turned an interesting shade of orange after they were done. That's the next thing to show them, how to mix colours and get different ones. I really don't want their first exposure of that to be peeing into a toilet bowl filled with Toilet Blue and realising that their yellow pee turns the water green. Because at that point, Mommy will just tell them they need to drink more water since their pee is yellow enough to turn the blue to green.

And that really wouldn't be the point of their discovery.

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