Thursday, January 01, 2009

Breastfeeding woes

Breastfeeding is one of those issues that gets lots of attention. It gets people riled up. It is an issue that polarises society and brings out the nazi in people. If you don't do it, you get crucified, if you do it, you get frowned upon if you do it outside the expected parameters. So it's a dicey issue that's once again caused a furore and this time on Facebook. This time it's got to do with photographs of moms breastfeeding. It's apparently obscene.

But so were those who chose to breastfeed in public. They violate other people's sensitivities and misguided propriety. And from what I know and have done, when we nurse in public, we do it discreetly, we don't go about flashing our whole boob. Plus how is it a sexual thing, when the boob is mapped with green veins and generally doesn't look how boobs are sensationalised to look?

It's down right annoying that such a big deal is made about breastfeeding, either way. I feel sorry for moms who can't breastfeed because they are cast into the role of the uncaring, selfish mom who isn't giving the best she can to the kid. I remember being chided about putting Baby J on the bottle, for giving Evan the occasional bottle of formula, for letting Packrat feed them through the bottle and so on. It didn't matter that it helped me in terms of sanity and sore nipples and Packrat in terms of bonding. Then I remember being chided for not giving my kids enough nutrition because breastmilk is very 'thin', because formula is more filling and formula fed babies are bigger and healthier. This was because my children are at best on the 50th percentile for their age and weight. For hogging space in the freezer and being pressured to stop nursing because I had the 'happy' problem of having enough milk to store. Of course, there was also the freeriders. Moms who wanted the breastmilk without doing the actual feeding. I was happy to give away some milk to those who needed it but there, once again, were people who were either very supportive or down right selfish and calculative.

So, yes, breastfeeding, one of those things that cannot just be part of life. Whatever it is, breast milk is food for a child. And it's basic sustenance. It's not foie gras grade. And unless we force feed moms the way ducks and geese are force fed, I don't see what the issue is.

Incidentally, for those curious, yes, I'm still breastfeeding. For various reasons. The primary reason, I don't really know how to stop. Well, I do in theory, but I can't bring myself to do it in practice. Then, there's the cost. One tin of formula costs just under $30. It apparently lasts about a week for a child. That means, in a month, I'm going to use about 4 tins, multiply that 2 kids, that's $240 a month, just on formula alone. There's also the issue of how Evan hates the taste of formula. Would rather starve than drink formula. And the case of how Jordan lifts my top to look for my boob, although for her, it's a comfort thing. She does it to feel close to me, I know that because she throws her arms round my neck while she feeds. And since, I'm not going to be at work for the next few months, I thought why the heck not? Although, like I said, breastfeeding is an issue that polarises the crowd and there are people that have said less than pleasant things about my decision. Well, I'm not answerable to them. I'm not flaunting my boobs, though on occasion, I accidentally flash a bus driver or a truck because I express in the car. But even then, I'm pretty covered up and if they actually look, they'll need some IQ to figure out the contraption stuck to my chest. So, I think I'm pretty safe there. Hopefully.

But for those on FB, put it up, don't put it up, it should be their choice. I wouldn't put up photos of me nursing but that's just because I have more fun photos to put up. And I'd rather put those up. But if other people did, why are we complaining? We put up pics of obscene amounts of food, all the time. Why not a mom breastfeeding? There's nothing sexual or obscene (in fact, I find people who find breastfeeding obscene offensive, but that's another story) about it. And if someone found it disturbing because it was sexual, then that person should get his head checked for rocks.

If not, leave the mommies alone! That's all we want, really.

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  1. Complaints that my milk take up space in the freezer! OMG, I hear this alot hahaha

    You're right, mummies shd be left alone to do what we feel is best!
