Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A video a day 7

The twins are great parrots. They copy everything we do. This means we need to watch our language and what we do around them. It's great because it's getting easier to get them to open their mouths, brush their teeth, lift their arms etc. We just do it and the little parrots just copy us to the best of their ability.

Packrat and I make it a point to read to them. They watch their grandparents read the paper at breakfast. Their grandma reads to them after their baths. So they're quite familiar with the action of reading. Recently, they've taken to 'reading' to us. They'll take any sort of material with words or print out of our hands- books, magazines, newspapers, slips of paper and babble away. And they'll do it with the finger on the page as if the finger is pointing to what they are reading.
They've been doing a swell job reading in both Jordannese and Evannese. No one gets them but there's no mistaking their attempt at reading.

If they're smart enough and have real words, they might be able to fool us even more. My brother used to know his books by heart and could point to the word and utter the corresponding sound all by rote. He couldn't read but he sure fooled a lot of people until a wise aunt flipped to the middle of the book and asked him to read. The little genius began his spiel and that's when he got found out. Otherwise, they might have enrolled him in Mensa. Haha.

Well, I don't know if my kids are that smart but right now, it is entertaining to watch them pretend, with the most intelligent look on their faces. But then again, I'm partial since I'm the Mommy.

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