Saturday, February 21, 2009

Rouser of the Rabble

The twins have settled in school! Thank God! They still cry when I drop them off but they apparently stop the minute I leave and the minute "Circle Time" starts. I also know for a fact that they're good in school because previously when I went to pick them up, they would drop whatever they're doing and run to me crying and laughing out of relief; well, what I imagine to be relief. Now, when I appear, they look up, acknowledge that I'm around and go back to whatever high jinks they were up to previously. It's like "Oh, ok! Hi Mommy! I'm busy ok? Later!"

Yesterday, I got true confirmation that all is well in school. My daughter incited a riot in class that disrupted the entire lesson. They were doing an animal matching game in class where each child had an animal and had to match the baby animal to the adult animal. Jordan somehow or other got hold of a crocodile (I don't know how one distinguishes a baby croc from an adult croc, especially for toddlers who have no concept of big or small) and decided that she was going to chase Evan with it. So she thunders after him shouting "UHM!" at the top of her lungs. He knows it's a game and takes off, chuckling and squealing round the room. The other kids see this, decide to take up arms (animals in this case) and followed the leader (Jordan), chasing one another round the room yelling "UHM!" on top of their lungs.

According to the teacher, that was the end of the lesson they planned and by the time they managed to get the class back under control, it was time to head out to the playground for even more high energy activities.

So my little instigator. I should hire her out to factories that want to protest and picket. I'm sure she'll be quite happy to lead it and fling the first rock. Strange thing to be proud of, possibly only now, at this stage when she doesn't know what a Molotov cocktail is and the police won't arrest her for disturbing the peace or causing civil unrest.

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