Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Bye bye airplane!

People have remarked that Singapore is the only place where families go to the airport, as an outing. They aren't necessarily seeing anyone off. It's just a cool, remarkably large open space for kids to run about and they can look out and watch planes take off and land. Furthermore, there are some relatively nice, family restaurants with above average service there.

Anyway, the twins did not go to school on Monday. Instead, they went to the airport. No one mock us. We actually had someone to see off at the airport. But I must admit, I was absolutely chuffed at taking the twins to the airport because of their current obsession for planes. Overhead, we hear the planes fly by at home. On Mondays, we hear helicopters, more specifically Chinooks and on Thursdays, Superpumas. Packrat thought it was absolutely hilarious if we taught the kids to say "Chinook" and "Superpuma" instead of helicopter. And everyday, we hear an array of different planes fly by. C-130s, F-16s and possibly others that I don't know the names of. So, we thought, seeing planes close up would be a big thrill to them. They could finally learn that planes are large rather than tiny specs in the sky that we have to look up and squint to see.

And we were right. Once they caught on that the large metal tubes with wings in front of them were planes, they were running up and down the viewing gallery, squealing everytime one landed, took off or taxi by them. Evan took even screaming out "Bye bye airplane" everytime one took off.

They obliged us by sitting still for lunch but that was because my mother, who was off to London bribed them with thick peanut butter toast and after that, they were off again. For their little legs, running up and down the length of the viewing gallery must have been exhausting for them, but they didn't let up, much to the amusement of others at the gallery. It crossed my mind that someone would probably have thought that these were children out of control and what kind of parents were we to let them run amok like that. I'm sure that was what I thought at some point of my pre-mommy life.

But they weren't bumping into people, they weren't destroying anything, they were just filled with childlike enthusiasm. But then again, I'm the Mommy and likely to be looking for excuses for my children's behaviour.

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