Tuesday, April 07, 2009


As with all the older generation, our aunt that helps looks after our twins sneaks in little comments about us giving the twins a sibling. It doesn't cross their minds that we have more on our plates than we can manage. Anyway, today, she raised the issue again while she and I were getting the twins down for their nap.

I dismissed it and turned to Evan and asked him if he wanted a sibling.

Me: Evan, do you want a 'di di' or 'mei mei'? (Not really knowing if he understood the concept of a 'di di' or a 'mei mei')

Evan (with gusto): 'Mei mei'!

Me: Really? You don't want a 'di di'?

Evan: No 'di di'. 'Mei Mei'.

Me: Well, we'll see what we can do about that. But you must ask Papa.

Evan (leaping up onto his feet) : PA PA! PA PA! 'MEI MEI'!

Me: Papa's not home. You tell him tonight when he comes home.

Evan: NO! PA PA! 'MEI MEI'!

Me: Sure you don't want a 'di di'? You'll have someone to play with.

Evan: No 'di di'. 'Mei Mei'.

So it's settled. He wants a little sister. When I asked Jordan, she staunchly refused to answer. I think she thinks, one pesky brother is enough. Where as her brother wants someone to lord over.

Our aunt thinks it's because, as the sole Tan boy, he will stand to inherit everything and be forever Ah Ma's Darling Grandson.

Olie thinks it's because Baby J keeps taking his shoes so he wants a Mei Mei so that he can teach her to steal Baby J's shoes.

Me? I don't know if he knows what he's talking about but it sure is amusing.

He could also tell him his head "pain pain". I don't know whether he bumped it or had a headache. Hee.

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