Monday, June 15, 2009

2 chuckleheads

For those who were genuinely alarmed by my last post which I'd already added a caveat to, that it was cranky and angsty, here are some videos to show that however grumpy I am, the twins do crack me up.

They spent a lot of today playing in my giant bathroom because it seems that we've been hit by monsoon weather in Phuket plus both of them have a bit of the sniffles from being in and out of the water so much.

It's also because someone asked me if they were aware of one another and if they could communicate. They can, though they spend a lot of time just parroting one another.

And it is also obvious who the boss is between the 2 of them.

They'd do this all day if I allowed them to. But I can't leave them in the bathroom while I read a book because I'd be too scared that they'd fall head first into the bath tub and hit their heads against something. The other thing Evan likes to do but I don't have a video of, is to flush the toilet and just watch the water swirl around. All very gross. But all very boy.

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  1. Hey, thanks! Now, I know! Will continue to read till they are much older, would be really nice to partake in their growing journey albeit virtually.

    Take great care!
