Sunday, September 13, 2009

Backyard swimming

After completing Mommy's homework, it was time for the twins to have some fun. And since they were all dirty from having painted themselves while painting the fish tank, I decided some water fun was in order. We seemed to have discovered a pattern with the twins. Every time the kids took a dip in our inflatable pool in the back, they'd get a cold a couple of days later. So, the grandparents have banned the inflating of the inflatable pool.

We haven't done it for about six months but since the twins seemed to have become somewhat stronger after the pneumonia bout, I decided why not? After all, they really like water. Any body of water. Waterfall, fountains, ponds, lakes, drains with running water, of course swimming pools and the seaside. Both Packrat and I are also of the opinion that they should learn to swim as soon as they can, not because we want them to be competitive swimmers but because we think it'll help their lungs get stronger and then less coughs and colds, plus both Packrat and I love the water.

In the six months, I realised that the twins have grown a big belly full of confidence each and they're more confident about themselves and what they can do and it makes for funnier footage.

Jumping jellybeans who need to learn they can't jump, trampolene style, in an inflatable pool especially is if was placed on concrete rather than grass.

I took something like 10 videos and 10 photos of the short 15 minutes they were in the water and when I was in Perth and felt a little bit blue missing them, watching them was enough to burst some stitches and definitely worked as an antidote to the blue.

But of course, as we've discovered with many other things, disobeying and not listening to our parents is always to our own peril. Our parents are irritatingly mostly right. And this was one of those situations. 3 days later, the twins came down with the sniffles and coughs.

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