Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Jesus loves the little children

One of the things Evan's teachers told us when we had a Meet-The-Parents session with them was that Evan was an extremely enthusiastic boy who knew and would shout out the answer to every question thrown at them. They also told us that they had to gently get Evan to allow others' a chance to give the answer. Enthusiastic is about the right word to use.

In church, the same thing occurs. He, together with his sister, belt out Sunday School songs at the top of their lungs. Of all the toddlers in the class, my two are embarrasingly loud and over the top. But at the same time, it's endearing. Their other cousin, stares at them in disdain and quite disapprovingly for being loud and raucous while us parents sit back and laugh at them.

I took a nap yesterday while they were napping too and woke up to them laughing loudly and squealing on top of their voices. Upon investigation, I'd found that they'd taken to standing on the coffee table and belting out tunes as well as jumping off onto the couch with absolutely no fear while we ran helter skelter trying to pad all the conceivable corners that they might end up hurting themselves against!

Seeing Jesus Loves Me and bouncing off the tables. This is sans sugar by the way. Take note of how emphatic Evan's YES! is. Hilarious.

I'm sure God's quite happy with him even if the neighbours find him a bit too loud.

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