Thursday, March 04, 2010

Sibling aggro

Even though the twins generally get along and play together, half the time, they are bickering and irritating the heck out of each other and by extension, me. There is a scale. When it is full blown, I have to intervene and really take them to task. If it's just bickering, I leave them to sort it out among themselves.

This morning in the car, they were imitating how I would scold them. And that escalated into Jordan smacking Evan and Evan telling her to "STOP IT" in Mommy tone.

Jordan: Why stop it?
Evan: Because the ambulance will come (We were turning out of the hospital after their dental appointment). Ambulance take Jordan go away.
Mommy: Why would the ambulance do that?
Evan: Ambulance take naughty Jordan go away!

That stunned Jordan a little bit. While she processed it and a garbage truck passes us by, her imperious brother adds,

Evan: Garbage truck come. Throw Jordan away. Jordan 'chou chou' (smelly)

After a while, Jordan (in a small voice): No garbage truck. No ambulance. Sorry Di Di.

Evan- 1, Jordan- 0.

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  1. Hope she doesn't grow up always apologizing to him, even when he is in the wrong.
