Monday, August 16, 2010

Live the dream

Sher asked if there really was hype and excitement about the YOG in Singapore. I told her I wouldn't be able to represent the non-sporting population in Singapore and their interest/ disinterest.

That is because if I were between the ages 14-18, I would have loved to be competing at the YOG. No matter how much of a I have become, there was once a time when I was dark as night and was extremely proud of the fact that I had all four quadricep muscles defined. There was once a time when my life revolved around how fast I could sprint the 400m and how I could shave off milliseconds off my best time. It was a life time ago but I don't have to dig deep to find those memories.

Anyway, when we had kids, both Packrat and I hoped that our kids would take after us respectively. Play basketball, be a tech geek, be a jock/ jockette, dance, run track... the list goes on. We have been amazed at Evan's ability to run in a straight line and how his form looks quite nice. We chuckled and shook our heads at how Jordan haphazardly runs with arms and legs skittling all over the place.

Then yesterday, the twins were introduced to the shuttle run. Our helper fashioned the game to distract them from the fact that they wanted to watch television. I refused to believe her when she told me that each time they ran, Jordan would win and Evan would exclaim most comedically "Not again!". I couldn't quite understand how Evan, who has been able to chase me down could lose out to his uncoordinated sister whose running style reminds me of a little puppy who runs in one direction but has his butt not quite following after!

Today, I saw for myself.

Jordan is not exactly fast. She false starts all the time. But she knows exactly where she is going and what she needs to do. Evan looks like he's sliding into home base all the time and occasionally forgets that he's got to pick up his shoes and run back with them.

Unfortunately, they're quite winded here having raced up and down about 15 times prior to this. But if you watch carefully you can see Jordan skittling around and Evan bounding off. The other little girl is our neighbour and their partner in crime.

Packrat hopes their running style improves as do I. But when I actually think about it and think about the fact that I have literally every muscle from waist down injured, whether I really want to have any of my children follow in my footsteps and run track seriously.

At the end of the day, it's really up to them and whether they really want to. As of now, I think Evan would be scared motionless by the starter's pistol and that's not good if the aim is to see who ends up first at the finish line!

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  1. So funny!
    So fun to have a pair of twins, when they're no longer babies, they can do so many things together. An instant playmate.
