Sunday, September 26, 2010

Entertaining themselves

When I say I have 3 children, people ask me how I cope.

My answer depends on my mood and how good the children have been. But it usually revolves around we just get by and something's usually have to give.

I used to be very spoilt because I had two helpers at one time. But one has since gone back since her contract was up and I had no wish to renew it. With 2 helpers, I could be assured that the twins would be fed, bathed and dressed on time.

Now that we have only one and she has to cook, clean, prepare the children's food and look after Muffin while I am kept occupied by the older two, we have let things slide.

Nazi moms would have chased me down with pitchforks and burnt me at the stake. But I will have myself an aneurysm if I tried to control everything.

So, this morning, being a Saturday and us not really needing to be anywhere in particular, I just let the kids play while I got Muffin to sleep and expressed.

This is what they got up to without any help from anyone.

Jordan, deciding that she was on an MTV set and changing into a swimsuit before strumming her guitar.

Evan, taking apart the kitchen stove set and using the stove top as a set of drums and his colour pencils as drum sticks. He also makes up words as he goes along but is able to carry a tune.

My bedroom and study looked like it got hit by a hurricane and tornado. But they didn't fight and they didn't quibble. They left me to do what I needed to do and looked like they were having fun.

Of course, I should have used some of that time to ensure they sit and colour but they seemed to be having so much more fun doing this and after all, it is Saturday morning.

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