Sunday, March 25, 2007

Bump! goes the belly

Photo update of what the bump looks like circa 24 weeks.

It apparently looks like I swallowed a basketball.


So, all ye out there who think it's possible to tell if the offspring is a boy or a girl from the shape of the belly, knock yourself out!


  1. I really should start dissuading my gf from "signing up". I love basketball and football, but seeing a woman having a ball in her? Not such a great idea. :p

  2. Ah yes. Because a woman's purpose in life is to be judged on her appearance and to look attractive (read: skinny) forever and ever, amen. Heaven forbid that in the course of a natural development like a pregnancy, she might not conform to prevailing social standards of attractiveness. Or that she might not conform to those standards in the first place.

  3. haha! love your comment tym!
