Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Camel much?

We just came back from the doctor. I've been having these joyfully dizzy spells. The first time it occurred, I wondered if there had been another earthquake, but apparently not. It was just all those wonderful hormones in me that take the blame for everything I feel or do not feel. Anyway, I tell my doctor my predicament. He informs me that it could be a number of things causing it. Primarily because more blood is going to the belly region, there's little elsewhere so when I do things a little more quickly than my circulation can keep up with, I get dizzy. In the doctor's very matter of fact words- " your brain tells your body it needs more blood to do _______ (insert action) and the fastest way to get more blood is to get you horizontal. So, it makes you black out. And then your blood pressure gets to where it wants to go in a jiffy". Right.

Another possible reason he gave was that perhaps I wasn't getting enough water. I gawk at that suggestion because on an average day, I down give or take about 3 litres of water at work and I don't turn camel like at home and not drink water for the rest of the evening. So, that in my book, is a lot of water. Add to that the fact that every single morning when I'm at the communal well (read: water dispenser), some colleague or other would inadvertently comment on how that was enough water to quench the thirst of an entire 3rd world family for a week. So how can it be that 3 litres isn't enough? When I heard this, I thought back to the time when I was running competitively and thought drinking gallons of water was a great idea and it only led to me feeling extremely inebriated and giggly.

That would be a sight. Drunk, giggly and staggering around. That's going to give me a lot of street cred. As is, I lost a couple of points this morning when the world was spinning so quickly, my planes of reference felt like they were being tossed around in high seas and I couldn't figure out where the table edge that I was trying to hold on to for dear life was and almost ending up on the floor.

Totally not glamourous.

Neither is drinking so much water I need to basically carry around my own Port-a-potty.

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