Thursday, March 22, 2007

A teacher's way of dealing with leg cramps

Every night I go to bed hoping that I won't have to get up too much. I hate getting up to pee even though it's become a way of life for me. The peeing's not so much now since the uterus isn't sitting directly on the bladder for now. But now, there's another thing that wakes me up on a regular basis.

White searing pain that feels a little like I'm being electrocuted in the calf. And the thing is there is an aura to it. I would be drifting into consciousness, wriggling my toes around because that's what I'm supposed to be doing and then all of a sudden, there will be a massive tightening in the calf that goes from zero to howling pain in a nano-second. When I think about it in my saner, non-pain induced state, I imagine it to be as if electrodes were stuck onto my calves and some Frankenstein person pushes the lever all the way up to full mercilessly and gleefully while all the meter needles on whatever measuring devices there are hover at the red DANGER level.

Anyway, it happens in the morning about 4 or 5 am and that means just when I have recovered from it sufficiently to go back to sleep, the incessant alarm goes off, resulting in me getting up, limping and not being very happy with myself. So I get to work all cranky and limpy, growling at the bad circulation that is my legs.

I whined to my Bro about it, hoping that he had a medical solution for it. This was his solution.

Me: I keep getting leg cramps.
Bro: It's because of the increasing weight you're carrying and it affecting your circulation.
Me: How to get rid of it? Bananas don't help.
Bro: Move around a lot. Wear stockings.
Me: Stockings are hot and ugly. Anything else?
Bro: Then just make sure you move around. Kick students around a bit. It increases circulation and builds strength. Also teaches your students responsible sexual behaviour. Win win situation. Me: But it happens to me at night.
Bro: Oh, no students around. Never mind, take it out on them during the day and you'll feel better and able to deal with the cramps at night.
Me: That's the bell. I'm off to kick some students.
Bro: You go girl! Kick some ass!

I have yet to try it out since I do need to keep my job but it's the most inspired piece of advice I've gotten from a medical professional. And endorsing violence towards students and my currently hormonal nature. I like it!

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  1. hmmmm... i am getting that some days too. extremely random and just strikes just about when i never ever expect it. but nope, not pregnant. i did remember asking a doctor about it, apparently, too little sodium or something like that...

    dont know how true it is though.

    first time commenting in either of your blogs so just wanna wish you good luck with your pregnancy and please do keep writing. absolutely rivetting stuff.
