Thursday, May 17, 2007

The typical Singapore student

As a teacher, I know firsthand that students, especially Singapore students are fond of last minute work. They've made up terms for such procrastination and all nighters. Packrat calls me a nerd because I was always one to finish my work before hand. Uni papers were written and completed days before the deadline, leaving me time to edit and re-edit. I used to plan and write lectures at least a week before I had to deliver it. Yes, I'm a complete nerd but that's how I did well in uni. Haha.

Anyway, it just occurred to me a few days ago that I haven't been doing my work. Not work work. I've been pretty conscientious with finishing that. I'm actually talking about baby homework. I realised that whatever books I'd been reading, the information is going to be out of date in a couple of weeks and there'll be a new challenge up ahead. One that I'm totally unprepared for and have been ignoring.

The realisation that as long as the offspring were in the belly, I knew what was going on and I knew what to expect, well, vaguely anyway. And that, the minute they popped out, all the information I have stored in my head now, would be of absolutely no use! So, like every other Singapore student who needed to cram for the impending exam, I rushed out to the library and got myself some books about sleep habits and basically dealing with twins, not just being pregnant with twins, but what to do with them when they are out and screaming bloody murder.

I've made some rapid progress through the book but also come to the realisation that perhaps, subconsciously, I didn't want to read all this stuff because it was like reading my future and I don't particularly look forward to that part of my future. Of course, the rational part of me tells me, it's good to be prepared and not think it'll be a bed of roses, not that I actually think that now! And the voice of my brother resounds in my head telling me that it builds character.

After this experience, I'm sure I'll have character oozing out of my ears. And it's unlikely I'm going to get an A grade, even with all this last minute studying.

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  1. Yesh! Mug like crazy now. Bookmark or fold the important pages ya!
    I used to read all those nice pregnancy books... u know, what to expect each month in the pregnant state. I totally did *not* touch any child care/parenting books. Big mistake. After the baby popped, where got time or energy to read thick books?

    After you've popped pls learn from the nurses in the hospital how to swaddle your babies. Do not leave the hospital without mastering this skill. Swaddle like crazy for the first few months cos it keeps them secure, calms them down, and makes it easier for them to fall and stay asleep. When the crying baby seems to be quite pissed off during the process of swaddling, it usually means he really needs the extra help from being swaddled to calm down to sleep. Use any nappy cloth when they're newborn.. when they're taller, use a bigger piece of cloth. The muslin wrap for babies by Aussino is a good size.

    Oh yes, do shop for nursing tops. Moms in Mind is quite err, boring, but one of the most practical ones around.
