Friday, July 13, 2007

First Date

I'm technically supposed to be grounded. Unfortunately, I've never been good at staying home. Thankfully I was never grounded when I was a teenager because I really would be one of those kids that would shimmy down the drainpipe or tie bedsheets together and repel down the sidewall even though I don't really know how to and might have fallen and broken my back. I did on occasion climb out my window in the middle of the night but that's a whole different story. Anyway, my point is confinement is not a strong point of mine. So every evening, we find excuses to go out. And we even managed our first date post babies.

We had tickets to Harry Potter thanks to Packrat's brother- we're eternally grateful! And there was no way we were going to let the opportunity pass us just because of that little thing called confinement. Both of us spent the whole day looking forward to it, I thought about what I was going to wear, Packrat thought about where we were going to eat and for the first time in months, I put on make up! It was all very exciting for someone who's lived in t-shirts, shorts and flip flops for the last couple of weeks.

My sister-in-law did tell me that the first date post babies would be reinvigorating and she was right. It was wonderful to be out, just the two of us, eating popcorn and cuddling up in the cinema and talking at length about the film over a burger after that. For those few hours, it was just the two of us- Packrat and Ondine. We weren't Jordan and Evan's parents and we knew they were in safe hands.

By the time we got home, I was ready to face the demands of nursing and crying again and it didn't feel as depressing to know that the next day would be a rinse and repeat performance of everything done that day which went along the lines of feeding, carrying, putting babies down to sleep, praying they don't wake up for a while, feeding again and again till you're not quite sure which baby has been fed and for how long (even though I keep a log), expressing etc.

I think I need more of this. I need little projects that I can do as well so that my life doesn't just consist of my children and their needs. It helps me keep sane and I'm sure my children will benefit from a sane mommy rather than a neurotic basketcase one.

The only bummer about having gone out was thinly veiled insinuations that I was a bad mommy because someone expressed a great amount of surprise when I said I didn't miss the babies while I was at the movies. But I quickly dismissed it because she's the same person that wants to have me crucified because she thinks I've committed the most deadly of sins by offering my babies one feed of formula a day so that my nipples get a break from the constant chomping. We've nicknamed her the BFNZ- Breastfeeding Nazi and have decided to ignore her comments about babyrearing.

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