Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Turtle hutch

I have been very delinquent about blogging. Much has been up in my world and I haven't quite stopped to catch my breath yet. There's been the Phuket trip, the moving (or attempting to move), a sick spouse, an extreme sense of ennui in the face of so much to do, birthdays and celebrations to boot...

So, while I organise my thoughts and conjure up some energy and time to actually blog about the events passed, here's yet another picture of Evan and his funny sleeping positions. This time, it's his turtle in a shell position and we put a turtle there for comparison.

These are times when I go "aw....my baby is so cute" Then he gets up and goes from zero to 100 in 2 seconds flat and I spent the rest of the time floored and speechless.

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