Thursday, February 18, 2010

A regular day

Since Muffin's been born, I haven't blogged much about the twins. It's not so much that I don't want to but generally exhaustion and the lack of time I have on the computer with both hands free prevent me from being able to frame a post around the twins that isn't a narration of what they did or did not do that day.

Anyway, most have asked how the twins are taking to Muffin's arrival. The short version is Jordan loves him to bits and wants to carry him all the time and shower him with kisses. Which in itself is extremely cute except for the fact that she's coughing and doesn't grasp the concept of NOT kissing his lips or his fingers.

Evan is a little bit more reserved with him but he seems to love the little Muffin too. He also knows that every time he kisses Muffin or shows him affection, he gets a kiss from Mommy for being a great Kor Kor. He does however need me more these days and does act up a bit more. It's a combination of feeling usurped and the Terrible Twos.

So, as far as possible I try to do things with them that make their day more regular than irregular. Most of the time, unless Muffin needs to be fed, I try to hang out with them or do stuff that isn't different from what I used to do when it was just them. That way, there is a sense of normality for them. Of course, there is still the ever-present guilt but at least these are the little things they enjoy.

For Evan, it's been his Yakult. He wants it. All the time. At his old school, they had it every other day. At this new kindy, they don't have it at all so I buy it occasionally and give it to him. He tries his luck and will just open the fridge; something I am trying to stop him from doing, especially now that there is expressed milk in the fridge. Most of the time, there isn't anything that actually interests him in there but just as he's about to lose faith in the Yakult providing God, a packet of five appears and he is chuffed beyond words.

He savours every last drop, drinking it from the tip of the straw, downing it from the bottle, sipping it slowly and sucking up grape vapours when the bottle is empty. Sticky and purple, he'll happily go off for his bath after he's done with it. I don't know what it is about Yakult or in his case Vitagen with Less Sugar (but interchangeable at this point in time to him) but it really makes his day.

Jordan, on the other hand, is not so much the Yakult/ Vitagen girl. She'll have about half the bottle and tire of drinking it. Her pursuits are a bit more kinaesthetic and musical. Ever since their concert, where the twins learnt some choreographed dance steps, Jordan has discovered that she has limbs and can manipulate them in different ways. She's put two and two together and dances her way through a bevy of songs. These songs, mostly Chinese, never fail to get her on her toes and waltzing and galloping round the room. Some of her moves show the beginning of grace and it never fails to impress me. Packrat says ballet classes and I'm happy to oblige.

I will however, keep the bleeding toenails and smooshed up looking feet a secret till when she is older. And perhaps that'll be when I will show her last pair of pointe shoes that are beat up and torn. And while I'm doing that, I think Packrat will be trying to introduce Evan to basketball which I suspect, he too will take to, like a duck to water.


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