Thursday, December 02, 2010

Single Parenting

For the last three years, round about this time, I end up single-parenting. Packrat goes off on some school trip and I am left to fend for myself and the kids. It has become increasingly challenging.

The first year, the twins were 18 months. That wasn't too bad except I was alone in the caring of them. His parents were away too and the helpers we had were new and utterly useless. Last year, the twins were older and easier to manage but I was in my last trimester with Muffin and was in the throes of planning a surprise birthday party for my mom. I remember wondering if Packrat would make it back in time if I spontaneously went into labour then! This year, Muffin is out but that has meant that I have to split my attention three ways. Of course, I lament the fact that Muffin is often the one that gets relegated while I tend to the demands of attention from the older two.

And it's even worse because the kids have been felled by the viral bug. Both Packrat and I had it and Evan came down with it. And now Jordan. In itself, it's not the worst bug they've had to fight. But when I'm alone with them and I'm constantly worried that Muffin would fall prey to it next, it is somewhat trying. There are other reasons why it is trying and causes great aggro so sufficed to say, I'm glad I don't single-parent full time because I suspect it would breed some great resentment and be grounds for divorce!

I am, after all, up at 2 in the morning now because I am too fearful to sleep while Jordan's fever refuses to break.

The good thing about being alone with them is I get to do things we wouldn't normally do if Packrat were around. In the last 6 days, we've been to the beach twice, just to play with sand and muck about. Packrat would be reluctant to do that because it's hot and sticky at the beach.

Bedtimes have also been a great deal of fun where we dramatise the stories they read and act out the fun bits. I do all the funny voices and they egg me on with their gales of laughter. They know they have me to themselves so there's little fussing at bedtime.

I also get to take Muffin out and enjoy little dates with him. With the older two around, my attention is usually pulled in their direction. I feel sad when Muffin gurgles and chuckles more with others than with me but it cannot be helped because I am answerable to two little Big Bosses. So I revel in the me and him time where he has my full attention. With him, I constantly feel that I need to savour each moment because in a flash, it's almost 10 months, he's become so independent and growing warp speed before my eyes.

I do miss Packrat though. I miss reinforcements and I miss not having to do every single thing myself. But I guess, it's also nice to know that when push, it can be done and I can see the fun in it. But like I said earlier, long term, that's a totally different story.

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